TULSA DECO, & Historic Photos & Ephemera
Page 9 (Postcards-Streets & Scenes) 


Tulsa 11th Street Bridge en sm wm .jpg__PID:cc5296c7-9f1c-401f-b0cd-da8760c0ecdc

Above:  Tulsa's 11th Street Bridge. 
Opened in 1916 and later became part of historic Route 66. The bridge still stands but is no longer in use due to structural issues. There has been talk of raising funds to refurbish the bridge so that it can be used as a public walkway/park or attraction of some sort in the future. 

Main Street Looking North, Tulsa Postcard en sm wm .jpg__PID:96c79f1c-401f-40cd-9a87-60c0ecdcdcdf

Above: Main Street, Looking North, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Main Street looking South postcard en wm sm .jpg__PID:b1dd6e07-6c9c-4c9d-b02c-4409b75707e6

Above: Main Street, Looking South, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Second street looking east Tulsa postcard en sm wm .jpg__PID:9f1c401f-b0cd-4a87-a0c0-ecdcdcdf8770

Below: Some photos from our 1917 album showing the young photographer. There were several photos labeled as "Me".